Archive of Screenshots
elcome to the Archive of Screenshots!
In this archive you can see some of the first screenshots ever taken of World of Warcraft that dates back as early as 1999. See how the game used to look like in its earliest developing stage using Warcraft III engine. Witness the last minutes of the stress test during the closing Beta in November 2004 known as "The Mayhem" where GM's spawned bosses such as Ragnaros, Onyxia and C'Thun causing havoc and destruction on the players.
The screenshots archive also contains our most sought after Screenshots of the Day from Vanilla to Wrath of the Lich King. Screenshots of the Day were screenshots that used to be on the older official World of Warcraft website submitted by actual players of the game, changing each day.
Looking for some more content? Head over to our Download House where you can download everything our archive has to offer. You may also upload your own screenshots, share your YouTube videos, submit fan-made wallpapers and much more.
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iew the earliest ever screenshot taken of World of Warcraft that dates back to the year 1999. See promo screenshots that were used to promote the game from the years 2001-2004. And the closing beta stress test
Current amount of screenshots: 418
Current download size: 120 MB
Last compiled on: 2022-06-29
his archive contains our most sought after Screenshots of The Day from Vanilla World of Warcraft (2004-2006). These screenshots were submitted by real players on the official WoW website.
Current amount of screenshots: 289
Current download size: 33 MB
Last compiled on: 2019-11-23
ee some early promotional screenshots before The Burning Crusade got released in 2007. You can also view all the Screenshots of the Day submitted by actual players. Are you prepared to view this album?
Current amount of screenshots: 1184
Current download size: 176 MB
Last compiled on: 2022-06-30
ow the Lich King, Arthas Menethil, has now emerged from the Icecrown Citadel in Northrend to claim the world as his own. View promo and Screenshots of the Day. No album rules forever...
Current amount of screenshots: 216
Current download size: 45 MB
Last compiled on: 2019-11-24