Fishing: Armed with their best fishing rods, Fishermen explore the world of Azeroth looking for new and interesting places to cast their lines. In addition to the varied fish population, all manner of aquatic treasure awaits the Fisherman with the skill and patience to reel it in.
Enchanting: Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant both temporary and permanent augmentation to weapons, armor, and other equipment.
Alchemy: The Alchemist mixes herbs to generate potions with a variety of effects. A player can create healing, invisibility, elemental resistance, and mana potions; oils to coat weapons; and much more.
Blacksmithing: Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted arms and armor. There are many unique weapons and other armaments that cannot be found on any of the vendors or monsters in the game, but can only be created by Blacksmiths.
Engineering: Engineering is used to assemble metal and stones into parts needed to make explosives, guns, scopes, bullets, mechanical dragons, aquatic helmets, and more. More than any other trade skill, engineering products require several steps to be completed.
Leatherworking: This skill allows players to work various leathers and pelts into leather armors as well as patches integral to the creation of higher-level, metallic armors and enhanced weapons.
Tailoring: Tailoring allows players to cut and weave various pieces of cloth into armor, bags, shirts, and other cloth items.
Cooking: From Beer-Basted Boar Ribs to Giant Clam Scorcho, there is no recipe too obscure or odd to avoid notice by the Chefs of Azeroth. Food is used in the game to heal players out of combat so that they can return to the fighting as quickly as possible.
Herb Gathering: Herb gathering is used to collect plants found throughout the world, with more powerful herbs requiring a higher skill level to find. Each type of herb has specific uses and places where it is found. For instance, Grave Moss must be sought in cemeteries, whereas Wintersbite grows in snowy areas.
Mining: Mining is used to extract ores, stones, and gems from mineral nodes found throughout the world. Generally, more of these nodes can be found in the dangerous underground than on the surface. In addition to gathering the raw materials, it's up to the miners to smelt the ores taken from the ground into metal bars. These are the raw materials that artisans such as Blacksmiths and Engineers will transform into deadly weapons and wondrous objects.
...And more!