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Archive of Movies

ome of the first and earliest gameplay-trailers and cinematics ever made for World of Warcraft can be found in this archive from the years 2001-2004. View trailers narrated by the famous voice actor "Peter Cullen" known for his Optimus Prime voice.

his archive also contains all the official patch trailers such as Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, Naxxramas and the introduction trailers of PvP/Battlegrounds. You can also see the weather effect trailers, Rain and Snow before they were implemented into the game. And of course the cinematic intro.

iew early Burning Crusade gameplay trailers, Blizzcon announcement trailers and various patch trailers. You can also see Barley testing out the Netherwing Flying mount in the Outlands!

ooking for some more content? Head over to our Download House where you can download everything our archive has to offer. You may also upload your own screenshots, share your YouTube videos, submit fan-made wallpapers and much more.

Take me to the Download House!

iew every gameplay videos and trailers ever made by Blizzard Entertainment. See the very first gameplay trailer made in 2001. The first E3 and ECTS announcment trailers, and all the cinematic intros.

Blizzard Entertainment Movies

Current amount of movies: 39

Current download size: 1,31 GB

Last compiled on: (07-22-2019)

he drums of war thunder, once again. See tons of videos made by players during the Vanilla times. See PvP, Raiding, Comedy and more. All which can be seen on our Youtube channel

Vanilla Movies

Current amount of screenshots: 500+

Current download size: unavailable

Last compiled on: (07-22-2019)

re you prepared to view these videos? This archive offers tons of movies made by players raiding various instances such as Black Temple and the Sunwell, there are also plenty of PvP videos.

Burning Crusade Movies

Current amount of screenshots: 400+

Current download size: unavailable

Last compiled on: (07-22-2019)

No king rules forever, my son. This frozen archive of movies has tons of Raiding and PvP videos made by players of the game, some of the earliest kills on the Lich King can be viewed here.

Wrath of the Lich King Movies

Current amount of screenshots: 7

Current download size: unavailable

Last compiled on: (07-22-2019)