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Alterac Valley

ong ago, before the First War, the warlock Gul'dan exiled a clan of orcs called the Frostwolves to a hidden valley deep in the heart of the Alterac Mountains. It is here in the valley's southern reaches that the Frostwolves eked out a living until the coming of Thrall. After Thrall's triumphant uniting of the clans, the Frostwolves, now led by the Orc Shaman Drek'Thar, chose to remain in the valley they had for so long called their home. In recent times, however, the relative peace of the Frostwolves has been challenged by the arrival of the Dwarven Stormpike Expedition.

The Stormpikes have set up residence in the valley to search for natural resources and ancient relics. Despite their intentions, the Dwarven presence has sparked heated conflict with the Frostwolf Orcs to the south, who have vowed to drive the interlopers from their lands.


Occupy resource nodes to accumulate resources.

Eastern Kingdoms (Arathi Highlands)

Level Brackets
Level 20-80 players (level range breakup: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80)

Maximum Players
10 Horde/10 Alliance

Minimum Players
15 Horde/15 Alliance

Win Conditions
Accumulate 2000 resources

General Info

Most of the quest loot available in Alterac Valley is removed from inventory upon exiting Alterac Valley to preserve fairness when a new instance begins. Right-clicking an enemy player's corpse disables that player from being able to resurrect at his corpse, whether by reclaiming it himself or having another player revive him with a spell. Reputation: You can only gain reputation if you are in the vicinity of an opposing player who dies and only if you have performed some action that puts you on their "hate list". This means you attacked the player and did damage, healed someone, cast a buff, or some other action that would mean you participated in the battle.


Each team will have a starting reinforcement count. Reinforcements can be lost in significant amounts if a tower is destroyed or if Captain Galvangar or Balinda Stonehearth is killed. For each team member death, an additional reinforcement will be lost. On the death of General Drek'Thar or Vanndar Stormpike, all reinforcements are lost and the team is defeated. At any point in time, if a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team will win the battle. Defending your own teammates, towers, and key NPCs will be an important aspect of maintaining team resources and achieving victory in Alterac Valley.


  • Each team starts with 600 Reinforcement points.
  • Capturing a tower removes 75 Reinforcement points from the opposing team.
  • Killing the enemy Captain removes 100 Reinforcement points from the opposing team.
  • Killing an enemy player removes 1 Reinforcement point from the opposing team.


Warmasters can be the boon or the bane of any team. They are an important element for the defense of your general or the defeat of the opposing general. Warlords and their general will be more closely linked in the next patch. Pulling one is a guarantee the other will come as well. Each team begins with four Warmasters. Destroying a tower will eliminate the associated Warmaster. Destroying the enemy tower will not add a Warmaster to your own side. All Warmasters are linked to each other and their respective Generals and cannot be pulled individually.
Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley increase each other's maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.


Bonus Honor
Players will only be awarded bonus honor during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Once the battle is concluded, bonus honor will be awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in battle. The bonus honor will reward players for taking more active roles in Alterac Valley toward defending or attacking key locations and NPCs.
For the following table 1 kill = ~20.9 honor:


Normal Holiday
Tower Destruction 3 kills 3 kills
Enemy NPC Kill 0 kills 0 kills
Captain Kill 3 kills 3 kills
General Kill 4 kills 4 kills
Map Complete 0 kills 4 kills
Per owned Graveyard 0 kills 0 kills
Live Captain 2 kills 2 kills
Per undestroyed Tower 2 kills 2 kills
Per owned Mine 0 kills 0 kills


Random Info
Alterac Valley can be reached by heading to Hillsbrad Foothills. The portal is north of Southshore for Alliance and northeast of Tarren Mill for Horde. In order to keep teams in Alterac Valley numerically balanced, players will enter Alterac Valley on a one-for-one basis (i.e. if there are 30 players in the battleground for each side with 10 players in the Alliance queue and 2 players in the Horde queue, only two players from each team will be added, bringing the total to 32 per side). The World Map icons reflect the state of towers, graveyards and mines. Whenever control changes for a Tower, Graveyard, or Mine, all players will receive a notice of what happened via yell. Killing the opposing NPC general wins the game and grants honor bonus based on what locations are under your faction's control. Deceased Hunters and Warlocks will have their pets resurrected with them upon resurrecting at a graveyard but not when reclaiming their corpse.

Alterac Valley Major Quests and Events

The following major quests and events can be completed by both factions.


Ground Assault
Completing the appropriate collection quest from your faction's Quartermaster will start a melee assault if they have high enough Stormpike (Alliance) or Frostwolf (Horde) reputation. To start a ground assault you must gather supplies. In order to retrieve the supplies, you must gain control of the mine near your main base; you can also take over the enemy's mine if you so choose. Once you have control over a mine the miners will start generating supplies for you to return to your base. If you speak with the Quartermaster, you'll be informed of the number of supplies needed for the ground assault to begin; as more supplies are collected, the pile nearby the Quartermaster will grow. After all the materials are gathered, a player with the requisite reputation must command the NPC forces and send them into battle. Additional commands must be given (by clicking on them, provided your reputation is high enough) to send them further in to attack. After the attack is over, there is a period of waiting before you can order another charge.


Coldtooth Supplies
Irondeep Supplies

You can create and command cavalry provided you complete the requisite quests found in your base's stables. Initially, players must capture rams or wolves by taming them using the tools they are given by the Stable Master. After the stables are full, a message will be broadcasted across the valley. Players must also collect pelts from the opposing side's wild mounts: Horde must slay rams and the Alliance must hunt the wolves. After all the necessary components have been gathered, a player with high reputation (Honored or higher) must give the command for the calvary to ride. Additional commands must be given (by clicking on them, provided your reputation is high enough) to send them further in to attack. After the attack is over, there is a period of waiting before you can order another charge.

Ultimate Unit
Through a lengthy series of quests, players can summon an extremely powerful elemental to fight for their side. Horde players summon Lokholar the Ice Lord, while Alliance players bring forth Ivus the Forest Lord. The opposing side can stop the summoning by killing the NPCs that aid with the ritual.

Alliance players must gather Storm Crystals and turn them into Arch Druid Renferal, who is located in a small pass behind Dun Baldar's North Bunker. After enough Storm Crystals have been gathered, the Druids walk to the middle of the map. Ten alliance players must help the Druids summon forth Ivus. Once the summoning ritual has been completed, Ivus the Forest Lord arrives.

Horde players must gather Stormpike Soldier's Blood and bring it into Primalist Thurloga, who can be found in the cave directly under Frostwolf Keep. Once they have gathered enough, a shout rings out warning the valley of the impending summon. The Primalist and Shaman then make their way above the Field of Strife. Ten Horde players must gather together with the Primalist to bring forth Lokholar the Ice Lord.





Requirements to summon Ivus:
200  Storm Crystal
Turn-in Quest:  Ivus the Forest Lord
Turn-in NPC: Arch Druid Renferal
Faction Lord: Ivus the Forest Lord


Requirements to summon Lokholar: 200  Stormpike Soldier's Blood
Turn-in Quest:  Lokholar the Ice Lord
Turn-in NPC: Primalist Thurloga
Faction Lord: Lokholar the Ice Lord


Aerial Assault
Through rescuing lost Wing Commanders and completing a series of quests, you can gain the ability to summon aerial units that patrol from your base to the center of the valley. Alliance and Horde players gather three different items. Each item can be turned into a specific Wing Commander once they have been rescued. After you have brought the requisite number of the particular items needed, players of Revered or higher faction reputation can receive a beacon to place on the map. The beacon, once placed, orders an air strike that lasts for a time. If the wing commanders are not rescued, you will be unable to turn in the items needed. These particular items will disappear if you leave the battleground.


Unit Upgrades
Asking Murgot Deepforge how many more supplies are needed.You can complete a collection quest to upgrade some of your stationary troops. Players, officers, and roaming, mine and tower units are exempt from this bonus. Upgrading troops through armor scrap turn-ins will also result in your team's General enabling a periodic buff to your melee and spell damage. This buff scales from 10% at the Seasoned unit level, 20% at the Veteran unit level, and 30% at the Champion unit level. Both Alliance and Horde players gather armor scraps from the corpses of enemy players and guards. As armor is gathered, boxes of supplies visibly build up next to the forge. Once enough supplies are gathered, a person with high reputation can instruct the smith to upgrade units to the next level (such as Champion). The friendly troops will now be much more powerful.

Stormpike Guard Rewards

The Stormpike Guard counts with two quartermasters: Thanthaldis Snowgleam in their home base in Alterac Mountains and Gaelden Hammersmith in Dun Baldar in Alterac Valley. Both quartermasters sell the same items.


Name Cost Reputation
 Superior Healing Draught 5 (x5) Friendly
 Superior Mana Draught 5 (x5) Friendly
 Stormpike Battle Tabard 1 Friendly
 Alterac Heavy Runecloth Bandage 80 (x20) Friendly
 Bottled Alterac Spring Water 50 (x20) Friendly
 Major Healing Draught 9 (x5) Honored
 Major Mana Draught 9 (x5) Honored
 Alterac Manna Biscuit 63 (x20) Honored
 Stormpike Soldier's Cloak 6 79 50 Honored
 Stormpike Sage's Cloak 6 84 40 Honored
 Stormpike Soldier's Pendant 6 44 83 Honored
 Stormpike Sage's Pendant 6 44 83 Honored
 Stormpike Cloth Girdle 4 26 99 Honored
 Stormpike Leather Girdle 5 33 74 Honored
 Stormpike Mail Girdle 6 40 48 Honored
 Stormpike Plate Girdle 4 26 99 Honored
 Ice Threaded Arrow 54 (x200) Honored
 Ice Threaded Bullet 54 (x200) Honored
 Stormpike Battle Standard 4 50 Revered
 Electrified Dagger 28 48 53 Revered
 Crackling Staff 35 86 72 Revered
 Stormstrike Hammer 28 90 23 Revered
 Gnoll Skin Bandolier 31 50 Revered
 Harpy Hide Quiver 31 50 Revered
 Stormpike Battle Charger 640 Exalted
 Lei of the Lifegiver 45 Exalted
 Therazane's Touch 45 Exalted
 Tome of Arcane Domination 45 Exalted
 Tome of Fiery Arcana 45 Exalted
 Tome of Shadow Force 45 Exalted
 Tome of the Ice Lord 45 Exalted
 The Unstoppable Force 140 84 10 Exalted
 The Immovable Object 71 57 67 Exalted
 Don Julio's Band 68 Exalted
 Don Rodrigo's Band 68 Exalted
 The Lobotomizer 113 9 56 Exalted

The Defilers

Rutherford Twing serves as the quartermaster for The Defilers, selling all their reputation rewards. All items from The Defilers should be available for purchase (provided you have the required reputation).


Name Cost Reputation
 Superior Healing Draught 5 (x5) Friendly
 Superior Mana Draught 5 (x5) Friendly
 Frostwolf Battle Tabard 1 Friendly
 Alterac Heavy Runecloth Bandage 80 (x20) Friendly
 Bottled Alterac Spring Water 50 (x20) Friendly
 Major Healing Draught 9 (x5) Honored
 Major Mana Draught 9 (x5) Honored
 Alterac Manna Biscuit 63 (x20) Honored
 Frostwolf Legionnaire's Cloak 6 79 50 Honored
 Frostwolf Advisor's Cloak 6 84 40 Honored
 Frostwolf Legionnaire's Pendant 6 44 83 Honored
 Frostwolf Advisor's Pendant 6 44 83 Honored
 Frostwolf Cloth Belt 4 26 99 Honored
 Frostwolf Leather Belt 5 33 74 Honored
 Frostwolf Mail Belt 6 40 48 Honored
 Frostwolf Plate Belt 4 26 99 Honored
 Ice Threaded Arrow 54 (x200) Honored
 Ice Threaded Bullet 54 (x200) Honored
 Frostwolf Battle Standard 4 50 Revered
 Glacial Blade 28 48 53 Revered
 Whiteout Staff 35 86 72 Revered
 Frostbite 28 48 53 Revered
 Gnoll Skin Bandolier 31 50 Revered
 Harpy Hide Quiver 31 50 Revered
 Horn of the Frostwolf Howler 640 Exalted
 Lei of the Lifegiver 45 Exalted
 Therazane's Touch 45 Exalted
 Tome of Arcane Domination 45 Exalted
 Tome of Fiery Arcana 45 Exalted
 Tome of Shadow Force 45 Exalted
 Tome of the Ice Lord 45 Exalted
 The Unstoppable Force 140 84 10 Exalted
 The Immovable Object 71 57 67 Exalted
 Don Julio's Band 68 Exalted
 Don Rodrigo's Band 68 Exalted
 The Lobotomizer 113 9 56 Exalted
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