Borean Tundra Sholazar Basin Wintergrasp Dragonblight Crystalsong Howling Fjord Grizzly Hills Zul'Drak Storm Peaks Icecrown Nexus

Borean Tundra

Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 70-72 70-72 70-72
Territory: Contested
Factions: Various
Towns: Valiance Keep Warsong Hold Riplash Strand
Quests: 252 Quests
Instances: The Nexus
Flight Masters:

Borean Tundra is one of the two initial zones players are expected to quest in when first reaching Northrend. It is located in western Northrend with the frigid island of Coldarra off the coast. Borean Tundra is mostly ice, punctuated by grasslands. It is occupied by many factions: the Alliance (based in Valiance Keep), the Horde (based in Warsong Hold), D.E.H.T.A protesting the slaughter of animals, the peaceful Tuskarr driven away from their coastal lands, nerubians and Prince Valanar to the North, the Kirin Tor assisting the dragonflights in Coldarra, and the mysterious taunka, an ancient branch of the Tauren.

Sholazar Basin

Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 75-80 75-80 75-80
Territory: Contested
Factions: The Oracles
Frenzyheart Tribe
Towns: Nesingwary Base Camp
Quests: 102 Quests
Instances: None
Flight Masters:

Sholazar Basin is a lush tropical forest in western Northrend. It owes its warm climate to the pylons around the zone, which are maintained by the Titans and also ward off the Scourge. It is a great zone for gathering max-Northrend level items like herbs and ore. There's also some rare beasts hunters like taming for pets, like Loque'nahak. Players will revisit Hemet Nesingwary and prove their hunting prowess for him, become an unwitting ambassador in a faction war between the Oracles and the Frenzyheart tribes, and learn about the power of the pylons.


Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 80 80 80
Territory: World PvP World PvP
Factions: Various
Instances: Vault of Archavon
Flight Masters:

Wintergrasp is a World PvP zone, similar to Tol Barad. It emphasizes siege weapon warfare--walls and towers are destroyed not by player damage, but by siege damage. Your siege engine amount is controlled by which workshops in the zone your faction owns. Every 2 hours 30 minutes, the battle for Wintergrasp begins. The defending faction must successfully defend for 30 minutes to keep it, while the opposing team attacks with siege weapons. Destroying towers both grants damage buffs and shortens the battle's time by 10 minutes. Between battles, elementals spawn that players from the winning faction can easily farm for crystallized elements. Players can also fight the bosses inside Vault of Archavon which are very simple and drop a variety of tier and PvP loot.


Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 71-80 71-80 71-80
Territory: Contested
Factions: The Wyrmrest Accord
Towns: Wintergarde Keep Agmar's Hammer Wyrmrest Temple
Quests: 255 Quests
Instances: Naxxramas
Wyrmrest Temple
Flight Masters:



Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 80 80 80
Territory: Contested
Factions: Kirin Tor
City: Dalaran
Instances: Violet Hold
Flight Masters:

Crystalsong Forest is a tranquil forest in the center of Northrend, from which Dalaran floats above. Originally intended to be the site of the Argent Tournament, it is a peaceful zone with hardly any quests.

Howling Fjord

Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 68-72 68-72 68-72
Territory: Contested
Factions: Various
Towns: Westguard Keep Vengeance Landing Scalawag Point
Quests: 232 Quests
Instances: Utgarde Keep
Flight Masters:

Howling Fjord is the other Northrend zone open at level 58. It is the eastern-most zone in Northrend, with breathtaking mountains, cliffs, and fortresses. Prior to 7.3.5, it was considered more challenging to level in this zone because of the steep mountains and windy paths between quest objectives compared to the flat plains of Borean Tundra. However, with flying changes, you can fly in Northrend at level 60 via  Expert Riding so this zone is less challenging.

Grizzly Hills

Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 73-75 73-75 73-75
Territory: Contested
Factions: Various
Towns: Amberpine Lodge Camp Oneqwah
Quests: 172 Quests
Instances: Drak'Tharon Keep
Flight Masters:

Grizzly Hills is a stunning but sinister pine forest in eastern Northrend. Players investigate Arugal and the curse of the Worgen, PvP for control of the Blackriver Logging Camp and Venture Bay, escort Harrison Jones and the rest of the Zul'Aman crew through troll ruins, and heal Vordrassil, a defective World Tree. Grizzly Hills is home to trappers, ice trolls, iron dwarves, and furbolgs.


Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 73-77 73-77 73-77
Territory: Contested
Factions: Various
Towns: Argent Stand
Quests: 137 Quests
Instances: Gundrak
Flight Masters: Gurric

Zul'Drak is a zone in central Northrend, intended for level 64+ players leveling. It is the home of the Drakkari ice trolls, who have gone insane after sacrificing their loa gods to fight off the Scourge. The Argent Dawn and the Zandalari tribe have tried to restore order to the zone, after its decimation and betrayal by Drakkuru. The zone is covered in Scourge blight and abandoned ziggurats, with Gundrak at its pinnacle.

Storm Peaks

Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 77-80 77-80 77-80
Territory: Contested
Factions: The Sons of Hodir
Towns: Frosthold Grom'arsh Crash-Site Dun Niffelem
Quests: 161 Quests
Instances: Ulduar
Flight Masters:

The Storm Peaks is a leveling zone in central Northrend intended for level 67+ players. it is a frigid mountainous region that used to be the home of the titans, with Ulduar as their city. Currently, the storm giants live in the Storm Peaks. Players questing in this zone will learn about the lore behind the titans, the Hyldnir, Brann Bronzebeard, and the Sons of Hodir. They can also camp the zone for  Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake.


Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 77-80 77-80 77-80
Territory: Contested
Factions: Argent Crusade
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Towns: Argent Vanguard
Quests: 50 Quests
Instances: Icecrown Citadel
Flight Masters:

Icecrown is a zone intended for level 67+ players to quest in, as well as return to at max level for the Argent Tournament, a daily quest hub that has many vanity rewards. Icecrown, composed literally of solid ice, is home to the Frozen Throne and Icecrown Citadel. The Lich King's presence can be felt across the zone, with the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade battling all sorts of Scourge horrors. There are also quest chains covering the Scarlet Onslaught's final outpost, as well as the presence of the corrupted Vrykul.


Subject Alliance Horde Neutral
Level: 888 888 888
Territory: Contested
Quests: 88 Quests
Instances: None
Flight Masters:
